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How To Make Your Ex Miss You

So he broke up with you, and you're really missing him! Or perhaps you broke up with him, only to realize afterward that it was a huge m...


So he broke up with you, and you're really missing him! Or perhaps you broke up with him, only to realize afterward that it was a huge mistake. 

We will be discussing today how to make your ex miss you.

In any case, you're not certain that going on without him is the best option. 

However, the situation is a shambles. There were some words exchanged. There were a lot of rages, Tears flowed freely. How the hell are you meant to get back together after this uncomfortable stage?


Right now, the most important thing you can do is make your ex-boyfriend misses you.

That reunion will be just around the corner if he understands that the two of you were meant to be together. 

However, there are a few ground rules that must be followed in order for him to have you on his mind. 

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Breakups can be taken place for a variety of reasons.  Breakups can occur at the most inopportune moments. 

Regardless of the outcomes, sadness is a basic sensation that we all experience. This might result in depressed feelings and anxiety. It's quite normal to have these emotions.



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If you want your ex to return to you, Or want to make your ex miss you, You must first show them what they are missing. 

As a result, it's better to avoid being in a sad attitude for too long. There are numerous methods for making your ex miss you and for reuniting with your ex.

 Read : Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back

There are several techniques that do not include asking or pleading with them to return. In fact, it's possible that doing so may just drive them further away. 

It's critical for them to believe you're a valuable one that's hard to come by.

Think about it.

What did you bring to the table in this relationship? What do you have to give in terms of self-promotion? When we fall in love, we may get so engrossed in the life of someone else that we lose sight of our own identity. 

Above everything things, it's critical to reconnect with your actual self. Now come to the main point,


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If you had a lovely relationship with your ex... And you know you could be great together… 

Then it's worth trying again to rekindle your romance with him. Because such an emotional connection does not occur every day. It's worth putting up a fight for.

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Take a minute to consider your response to this question. What's the biggest roadblock to reuniting with your ex? What is the one thing that is preventing you from achieving your goals?

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The issue isn't getting him to love you again. Or make him miss you again, Your shared history demonstrates that you already have adequate chemistry. Nope. That isn't the issue.

Here's the actual issue:

·         He isn't going to think about it in the first place.
·         He was oblivious to the prospect.
·         He may not even contact you in many situations.

I suppose the bottom line is this. He has already determined that you will not be given a chance. 


That is the stumbling block. You're up against an emotional barrier.

But what if I told you it's more of a wall's illusion than a real wall?  What if it's a barrier you can overcome at any time once you figure out the secret? 

Isn't that going to affect things?

We have stated that the most serious issue is that he has already chosen not to give you a chance. “Decided” is the crucial word here. 

But here's the strange thing about human decision-making:

We don't begin with a choice. Decisions are only the final product of the process. Decisions are just the result of another type of mental calculation. After the equals symbol, decisions are made. 

Read: How To Get Over A Breakup - Healing A Broken Heart

That's why you'll nearly never be able to persuade someone to change their view by going after the choice directly. 

Consider the last time you witnessed someone attempting to persuade someone else to alter their views. If they concentrated on the choice itself, they would very definitely fail to persuade the other person to change their view.


Let me now show you how to solve that problem. 

How to make your ex miss you so bad. In the blink of an eye, decisions may change.

They don't stay the same. They're dynamic, evolving all the time as fresh information is sent into his mental picture of the future. Scientists have made an amazing discovery regarding humans.

When we're comfortable, our thoughts tend to wander to the future. We ruminate about the past from time to time. We can get caught up in the moment.  However, our minds spend 80% of their time envisioning the future.

 ReadHow To Make Your Ex Want You Back

We do it on autopilot when it comes to forecasting the future.  And it's there that you'll discover an opportunity to try one last time to rekindle your romance with the person who has turned you down.

We create sophisticated mental future simulations.  And we do it nearly on a daily basis.

If you're not actively concentrating on anything, your mind is probably imagining your future to see which pathways will lead to happiness and fulfillment.

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Here's why this is great news for reuniting with your ex. Make your ex miss you, You have the power to influence how a man feels when he thinks about you again.


It's essentially a step-by-step guide to fiddling with the "movie trailer" that plays in his brain whenever he sees your name on his phone, your photo in his Facebook feed, or your car parked in the lot. 

You can modify the prevailing feelings he associated with you if you start small.

You can take on the role of someone he fantasizes about. He's no longer settling previous disputes with you in his head; instead, he's imagining a completely new relationship with you.

So, how do you go about doing it?

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What's the best way to fiddle with the movie trailer that's playing in someone else's head?  That's the subject James delves into in-depth, starting with the first text message and on to sophisticated tactics.

However, for the sake of this post, we'll focus on only one interesting concept.


Okay, here's the deal...

Choosing the appropriate target for your final shot is crucial. Don't focus on mending the relationship, persuading him to change his opinion, or "trying again."

 Instead, pay attention to the chances to alter the fundamental feelings that color his mind whenever he thinks about you. You'd be surprised at how much of a difference this can make.

Because, in the end, emotions are in charge. The most common blunder individuals make is focusing their efforts on items that remind them of their reasons for withdrawing. Little recollections of how things went wrong while you were together.

Make sure you don't make the same mistake.

Instead, focus all of your energy on just one subject.

When he receives a text message from you, sees you on the street, or hears your voice on the phone, his predominant feeling is a surprise. Because if you can alter the feelings he identifies with you, the mental images that play in his brain will begin to shift on their own.

If you do that, you will astound yourself. You'll be able to move mountains. His emotional barriers aren't going to stand a chance.

P.S. Another aspect of human nature is that we are more likely to follow through when given a step-by-step plan.


Here are some steps to be taken after a breakup –

It is more vital than ever to look after your health. Recognize that your body is fragile at the moment, and you may be more susceptible to illness.

Professor of psychology David Sbarra of the University of Arizona investigated what happens when couples break up.

He discovered that psychological stress, especially after a lengthy relationship, might have a significant influence on your immune system.

“The more agony you experience after a breakup and the longer that emotion lasts, the more damage your immune system is going to take,” he adds.

Consider this: you grew accustomed to seeing your spouse, especially if you shared a home or spent a lot of time together.


Everything feels out of whack now that he's gone. You won't be able to sleep without him at your side. It's possible that your body temperature has shifted. 

All of this is normal, but you must prioritize your health at this time.

  Read: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

So, although you don't want to spend all of your time feeling sorry for yourself, you also don't want to overwork your immune system by going out too much.

Find a happy medium. If you begin to feel tired, cancel your plans for the evening and relax in a warm bath. Increase your veggie consumption! 

Date...If You're Up For It Going on a few dates with someone fresh is another method to recover.

Find a happy medium. If you begin to feel tired, cancel your plans for the evening and relax in a warm bath. Increase your veggie consumption!

You may joke, but following a breakup, most individuals either don't feel like eating or eat so much junk food that their bodies protest by being ill. So take care of your physique.

If You're Up For It...Date! Going on a few dates with someone fresh is another method to recover.

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