Maybe you googled how to conceive twins , How You Get Pregnant with Twins , and what are the chances of having twins . How to become pregnan...
Maybe you googled how to conceive twins, How You Get Pregnant with Twins, and what are the chances of having twins. How to become pregnant with twins, Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of having twins? You will receive all of your answers today.
I'll start with the chances of having natural, or better yet, spontaneous twins. Then I'll go over some steps you may do to enhance your chances of having twins.
Okay, let's get started.
How To Conceive Twins Naturally: Expert's Advice
Many questions have been raised by couples attempting to have twins concerning the possibility of twins with reproductive treatments.
Much of what is out there is incorrect, Therefore I shall distinguish reality from fiction today. The majority of people are aware that there are two types of twins;
1. Identical Twins:
Identical twins are formed when an embryo splits shortly after fertilization. Also known as monozygotic twins, They are the product of the fertilization of a single egg, Which divides in two. Identical twins have the same sex and share all of their DNA.
Here are some interesting facts regarding identical twins.
1. Identical twins are unusual. Only around 3-4 identical twins are born out of every 1000 births.
2. Identical twins account for around one-third of all twins. With a few notable exceptions, this does not appear to change significantly depending on where you reside or other variables.
3. Identical twins do not typically run in families, however, it is possible in a very small number of cases. These unusual families raise the notion that there are genes that enhance the likelihood of identical twins.
How To Have Identical Twins:
Scientists have not yet been able to identify any specific genes. But below are some facts that help to get pregnant with Identical twins.
Conceiving with Treatments:
- Clomid
- Gonadotropins (also known as injectables) such as Gonal-F and Follistim
- IUI treatment and, when combined with fertility medications
- In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.
Clomid is generally recognized for increasing the likelihood of fraternal twins, but this 2006 study also discovered that the proportion of identical twins was greater when twins occurred with Clomid compared to a group of naturally occurring twins.
According to some research, up to 30% of gonadotropin-assisted pregnancies result in multiples. The majority of these pregnancies are twins, however, up to 5% are triplet or higher-order pregnancies. Contrary to common perception, IVF is not the primary cause of triplet and higher-order pregnancies.
According to CDC data, the rate of IVF-conceived triplets in 2014 was 1.5 percent of all pregnancies (but only 0.9 percent of live births, lower due to pregnancy loss). IVF twins are very frequent, with the greatest rate for those under the age of 35, at 12.1% per transfer in 2014.
The IVF twin rate is lower for persons over the age of 35—9.1 percent for people aged 35 to 37 and 5.3 percent for people aged 38 to 40—due to a lower overall success rate as a woman matures.
IVF(In vitro fertilization):
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the few procedures available to aid people who are having difficulty conceiving a child. During IVF, an egg is extracted from the woman's ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory using sperm.
The fertilized egg, known as an embryo, is subsequently returned to the woman's womb to develop and thrive. It can be done using your eggs and your partner's sperm, or with donor eggs and sperm.
IVF is the only well-documented factor that raises the probability of identical twins. Growing embryos in the laboratory appear to increase the likelihood of an embryo splitting. The longer they stay in the lab, the more likely it is that they will die.
Identical twins occur around 1-2 percent of the time after embryo transfers after embryos have been developing for 2-3 days. Waiting until the blastocyst stage at 5 to 6 days improves the odds to around 2-3%, and creating a hole in the shell covering the embryo, known as "Assisted Hatching," nearly doubles the chances.
2. Fraternal Twins:
Fraternal twins are even more intriguing. Fraternal twins are formed when two distinct eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. Several variables appear to impact a woman's ability to have fraternal twins naturally, that is, without the use of reproductive medications.
Facts That Enhance Your Odds of Getting Pregnant with Twins!
Twins and higher-order pregnancies are not caused only by fertility procedures. Here's a rundown of the additional factors
1. Geography:
In Sub-Saharan Africa, around 23 fraternal twins are born for every 1000 births. In Asian nations, there are around 5 births per 1000 people.
The United States lies in the center, with around 10 to 12 natural births per 1000 people. Factors that impact your odds of conceiving twins Family history: If twins run in your family, you are more likely to bear twins.
Your partner's family tree may be brimming with twins, but this will not significantly enhance your chances. Because having twins does not “skip generations,” If your mother had twins, you may have a greater chance as well!
2. Ethnicity:
Another factor that might impact the likelihood of having two children is ethnicity. Twins are more likely to be born to black individuals than to Caucasians. Asian and Hispanic women are much less likely to have two or more children at the same time.
3. Body Shape:
According to much research, Tall women appear to have one and a half to two times the risk of having twins. However, not in others. Women with a BMI more than 30 had a 62% greater risk of having twins, whereas women with a BMI less than 20 had a 38% lower chance of having twins.
Fraternal twins are common in families. If twins run in the female's family, or if the woman is a twin herself, the pair has a greater probability of having twins. If twins run in the male's family, the pair has a lower probability of having twins;
However, If the couple has daughters, they have a higher chance of having twins. The total influence of family history may raise the likelihood of having a twin by one and a half to two times, resulting in around 15 to 20 twins per 1000 births.
4. Previous Pregnancies:
Do you already have a youngster that is interested in becoming a big brother or sister? He or she might be the cause you end up having twins. That's correct! Previous pregnancies — or, better still, many pregnancies — may boost your odds of producing twins.
According to the research, Women between the ages of 35 and 40 who have four or more children are three times more likely to have twins than women under the age of 20 who do not have children. The reason isn't fully obvious, although it might simply be because you're getting older with each pregnancy.
5. Age:
It is true that as women age, they have a greater probability of releasing more than one egg at the moment of ovulation, and hence have a greater risk of having twins.
The influence is rather substantial in this case. A study says
Women in their late 30s and early 40s have around four times the risk of having twins as women in their late teens. In older mothers, the twin rate is around 40 per 1000 deliveries.
6. Foods:
Some individuals believe that the prevalence of yams in their diet is the reason why some African countries, like Nigeria, have a higher twin rate. However, the evidence, in this case, is exceedingly flimsy.
7. Weight:
Women who are overweight or obese have a greater probability of naturally having twins. According to a 2005 study-Trusted Source that examined data from over 51,000 newborns in the United States, the odds are greatest if your body mass index (BMI) is more than 30.
Further research in 2016 that examined maternal factors among women in Norway found that incidence of twins rose among women with BMIs greater than 25. A word of caution: Do not gain weight on purpose in order to improve your chances of having twins.
A BMI of 30 or above may also put you in the high-risk group for pregnancy, so see your doctor about a healthy weight for you before becoming pregnant.
According to 2018 birth data in the United States, black women deliver twins at a greater rate than white women. However, Asian and Hispanic women have a lower rate of twin birth than the other races.
8. Dairy Products:
One tiny research showed that milk from cows given growth hormone had greater levels of a hormone called IGF-1 and that women who drank the milk from these cows had higher IGF-1 levels as well, stimulating the ovaries to release numerous eggs.
However, studies in women who consumed a lot of milk reported no rise in IGF-1 levels. Dairy products are unlikely to impact the likelihood of having twins. There are several variables and actions you may do to enhance your chances of having twins.
How To Have Twins Naturally?
Some variables that enhance your chances of having twins are beyond your control, Such as your family history and height. If you're looking for multiples, there are additional methods to enhance your chances.
Consuming large amounts of dairy foods, conceiving beyond the age of 30, and nursing are all risk factors for twins. Many fertility medications, including Clomid, Gonal-F, and Follistim, enhance the chances of having twins.
If you're wondering how to boost your chances of having twins, consider these natural methods:
1. Postpone Your Next Pregnancy, While having several pregnancies increases your odds of having twins, not taking a break between them decreases your chances.
2. Make an Attempt to Conceive While Breastfeeding Prolactin is a hormone produced by your body while you are nursing. This component has been linked to an increase in the likelihood of becoming pregnant and having twins.
3. Increase Your Dairy Product Consumption Milk and other dairy products derived from cow milk include several growth hormones, therefore consuming it is recommended if you wish to conceive twins.
4. Encourage your partner to eat zinc-rich foods. Because zinc-rich meals promote sperm production, your spouse should eat more of them. There is a good probability that the fertilization process will aid in the conception of twins.
5. Consume Protein-Rich Foods Because hyperovulation is so important in conceiving twins, protein-rich meals may be beneficial in promoting it. Whole grains, tofu, soy isoflavones, and especially yams stimulate your ovaries, boosting your chances of producing twins.
6. Consume Folic Acid Supplements Although controversial, this approach has shown some promising outcomes when attempting to create twins. It is recommended to take supplements since they have been shown to prevent neural tube abnormalities.
7. Sexual Preferences Aside from the procedures listed above, it is commonly assumed that particular sex positions enhance the likelihood of producing twins.
7 Fertility Herbs To Help You Conceive Twins
Here are a few fertility herbs that can help you get pregnant with twins.
1. The Maca Root. Because of its adaptogenic properties, this root promotes healthy reproduction in females. In fact, this plant promotes fertility in both males and females, increasing the likelihood of having twins.
2. Black Licorice Root. This lovely tiny herb is well-known for its ability to aid in the conception of twins. It aids in the process of ovulation by controlling the menstrual cycle as well as hormone levels, resulting in improved fertilization.
3. Evening Primrose Oil is a kind of oil that is found in the evenings. Apart from the numerous advantages of primrose oil, several good results in terms of conception have been observed.
4. Flaxseed Oil is a kind of oil derived from flaxseed. This not only supports hormonal balance but also enhances female fertility. It also aids in the regulation of the menstrual cycle, which aids ovulation and makes conception simpler.
5. Cassava (Sweet Cassava) This plant, which is best used as a supplement, aids with ovulation.
6. Chaste Tree Berry This promotes double ovulation while also keeping cysts at bay, which benefits the process of conceiving twins.
7. Black Cohosh. This is another natural substance that increases fertility and twin conception.
Planning for twins must be done in advance, with the first step being a consultation with your doctor. Everything from your age to your family history will need to be considered, and collaboration will be essential to increasing your chances of success.
Many women will begin by exploring natural methods, while others may choose treatments and medicines - there is no one road that is right for everyone, and taking a complete look at your entire health is the first step in that journey. Best of luck !!!
The information published herein is intended and strictly only for informational, educational, purposes and the same shall not be misconstrued as medical advice. If you are worried about your own health, or your child’s well-being, seek immediate medical advice. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of the information on this website.
source :
Book: The Babydust Method: A Guide to Conceiving a Girl or a Boy by Kathryn Taylor
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