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23 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back: A Must Read After Breakup

In this article, I'll show you how to recognize the signs your ex will eventually come back .  But before I do so, I'd like you to c...


In this article, I'll show you how to recognize the signs your ex will eventually come back. But before I do so, I'd like you to consider why you want to know these indicators in the first place. 

Looking for the signs your ex will eventually come back is a futile activity that feeds a negative psychological phenomenon that is now affecting you.

It keeps you going in your denial about the breakup. After all, there’s no use in taking your breakup seriously if your ex will come back.


Why should you be concerned about your ex moving on to someone else when you know he or she will come back to you?


Why should you be concerned about going through the anguish of a breakup when it is just temporary? 

Why should you be concerned about acknowledging your errors, correcting them, and maturing as a person if you know your ex will come back regardless of what you do?

What’s the point of doing any of that? If you’re hoping that your ex to come back! you’re probably going through one of the five stages of breakup sorrow. You need to overcome that sorrow after the breakup.


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A commonly asked question is, DO EXES REALLY COME BACK? 

The answer is maybe! Sometimes they do!

From research, we discovered that around 30% of people receive their ex-partners back after a breakup. However, A study says,

Only 15% of those 30 percent stay together in a good relationship. After getting back together, the remaining 14% of couples breakup again!


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The key aspect is that the 15% of individuals who stay together in a stable relationship don't merely wait for their ex to come back. 

They aggressively addressed the issues that led to the breakup, resolved them, and progressed as individuals. In fact, rather than waiting for their ex to come back, they often sought out them.

If you're asking yourself questions like these, you're on the right track. Will my ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend come back? What are some definite signs that prove ex really come back?


We will try to find the answer, Remember, breakups aren't always awful. Yes, they cause a lot of pain and suffering, sometimes it becomes hard to get over a breakup, but the actual culprit is what caused the breakup in the first place.

Also Read: How To Make Your Ex Want You Back

Breakups are the universe's way of reminding us that we need to get our lives in order.

And, You want them to miss you, If you genuinely want your Ex to come back to you, You must first address the issues that led to the breakup. It won't matter if your ex decides to come back or not if you don't do that. You'd simply wind up splitting up all over again.

But at some point, you'll have to start looking for concrete indicators that your ex wants to reconcile.

Is it possible for a breakup to be beneficial to a relationship? 

Is it possible to rebuild a relationship after a breakup? There isn't a clear yes or no response. The good news is that if you're thinking about your ex, it's worth your time to seek signs that he or she will eventually come back. 

Also Read: 16 Most Powerful Tips On How To Deal With Angry Husband

This post will be useful if you want to get back together with your ex and want to know whether they are as well. 

23 Precise Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back

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1. They Would Rather Be Single

This is one of the most telling signals that your ex wants to reconcile with you. They have decided to live a life based on the memories they have of you by being single. 

That's because no one can replace what you stood for in making your ex happy in their eyes. 

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2. You've Discovered That They've Been Following You On Social Media

It's easy to tell whether they're stalking you if you're still friends on Facebook or follow each other on Instagram. It's a clear indicator your ex is thinking of you and missing you if they keep like and commenting on your new posts.


3. They Follow You On Social Media & Stalk The People You Interact With

If your ex makes an effort to contact you, your friends, or your family after the breakup, there's a strong possibility they're still interested in you and may ultimately come back.

However, this does not guarantee that they will come back on their own. Most of the time, you'll have to make the correct moves to entice them back.

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4. When Anything Significant Occurs, They Call Or Text You

Perhaps they received a new promotion, or something similar. They make a point of contacting you on significant events, such as your birthday.


5. If After The Breakup, They Are Unhappy

After a Breakup, no one is happy, but if it's been a while and your ex is still struggling, they're probably still bitter. 

You may mislead yourself into seeing something that isn't there, but if they're loved ones approach you to tell you that your ex misses you or urge you to contact them, there's a high possibility they're thinking about getting back together after a breakup.


6. The Breakup Happened Due To "External" Causes

 A mutual or amicable breakup means that you and your ex still hold each other in high regard and believe that someone else would be fortunate to be with either of you. 

This makes it much easy to rejoin down the road. Especially if the breakup was due to circumstances beyond either of your control.


7. Post-Breakup Jealous Undertones In Your Relationship

If it appears that they are growing envious of who you spend your time with, or that they are attempting to make you envious, they are likely to reconsider their relationship with you. 

It's possible that they're attempting to "win the breakup" by making you envious. Well, That's why it's crucial to investigate whether there are any additional indicators. 

Also Read: How To Get Over A Breakup - Healing A Broken Heart

8. They Are Overjoyed With Your Successes/Progress

It's not simple to receive compliments. And if your ex is complimenting you or showing joy over your accomplishments, it's an indication that they're thinking highly of you. 

If they aren't already thinking about getting back to you, it at least provides the groundwork for you to walk on.

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9. Your Ex Wishes To Meet Up With You

If your ex expresses an interest in meeting up with you, it's one of the strong signs your ex will eventually come back. However, just because they wish to meet doesn't imply you've received their message. 

Meeting up with your ex is only the start of your new relationship with him or her. You must maintain your confidence in yourself and your ability to repair whatever was damaged in the relationship, You don't do anything to push them away, either.


10. They Ask To Remain, Friends

If they ask to stay friends, it shows they still value your presence in their lives. Whether or not you accept this offer, it's a significant indication that your ex wants to give your relationship another chance.

Also Read: How To Make New Friend

11. They Do not Delete Their Old Photos Of You

 That indicates they still believe there is something worth fighting for. At the very least, it shows they still value your relationship's memories. And this is one of the signs your ex will eventually come back to you.


12. When They're Drunk, They Call Or Text You

They may be able to avoid texting or phoning throughout the day, but alcohol lifts inhibitions and allows people to express their genuine feelings. 

If you're the one they want to talk to in this situation, it's a strong indication that they still care about you. 


13. You're Still Getting Calls From Their Parents

If their parents maintain contact after a breakup, the connection was definitely solid. You were treated as though you were a member of their family.

Our parents are the only people who can persuade us to change our minds after a breakup. So, If their parents keep in touch and are still friends with you, they could throw in a good word for you to your ex.

14. Your Belongings Have Not Been Returned

If they return your belongings right away, it's a strong indication that they don't want to hear from you again. If they don't return it, it's possible that they want you to contact them to request it.

15. They Only Say Good Things About You

Has your ex been complementing you on different parts of your life, such as your work, accomplishments, fashion style, and charisma, to name a few?

If you answered yes, they want you to know how much you value them, as well as your close friends and relatives.

Your admiration for your ex grows exponentially when you hear these compliments personally or through others. In fact, you're both aiming for the same thing - Improving your relationship.


16. You're Blocked & Then Unblocked by Your Ex

There's a probability your ex still likes you if they block you one day and then unblock you at some odd time you wouldn't anticipate.

And I say "little probability" because, in most cases, these block-unblock actions are performed out of compassion rather than a desire to reconcile.


17. Your Ex Said You Should Just Be Friends, But It Seems Like You're Doing More

When a couple separates and decides to remain friends, A real relationship still feels more than friendship.

It typically implies that your ex isn't really committed to the notion of splitting up with you, making it more probable that you'll reunite.

If you're simply having sex and nothing else, though, they might not be searching for anything else.


18. You Are Still Contacted By Their Friends

If your ex isn't interested in continuing the relationship, they'll frequently try to turn common friends against you. 

When they want you back after a breakup, though, they may send your common pals on a mission to help. 

Whether their friends ask if you want your ex back or expressly state that your ex still wants you, it's one of the most telling indicators that a reunion is on the cards.

19. They're Working To Change The One Thing You Didn't Like About Them

If they had no intention of coming back to you, you can guarantee they'd be embracing that irritating thing even more than before. They're still attempting to fix the one item you didn't like, which shows they want to impress you in the future.


20. Your Ex Keeps Making Social Media Posts About You

Is your ex splattering cringeworthy inspirational phrases, empowerment, and inspirational quotes, or just about anything out of the norm on their social media profiles? 

If that's the case, it's because they haven't given up on you yet. It is one of the signs your ex will eventually come back.

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21. They Act Jealous

 This is a definite indicator that your ex hasn't moved on emotionally.

They want you to know that you are still important to them if they openly appear envious and ask you about the individuals you've been spending your time with after the breakup.


22. They Still Remember Your Birthday & Special Dates

If your ex remembers your birthday and even wishes you a happy birthday, it means they still care about you and want to see you again. It is also one of the signs your ex will eventually come back.

It's one of the clear signs that your ex will eventually come back at some point. They could even be the first to wish you a happy birthday on your birthday and they might even go out of their way to give you birthday gifts.


23. They Still Praise You

If you've heard or seen them praising you, it's one of the good signs and a strong indication that they'll eventually come back.

If you're still not seeing any positive indicators that your ex is returning, I hope you're bold enough to move on as well. It's unhealthy to spend too much time thinking about the past. Before that, you need to read the below article too.

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“What Proves You’re Meant For Each Other?” 

Let me ask you a question first, Have you had a big heart?  Are you capable of loving others?
If that's the case, your ex would be insane not to welcome you back into his life.
Here is why.  It is said that finding your gift is the purpose of life.  And your life's mission is to give it out.  However, someone must receive your gift before it can be given away.  So, who do you think you should gift it to?

You probably already know the answer. But we'll go back to it in a minute. Because I need to make a prediction first.


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I'm guessing you've already conjured up an image of one man in your mind. You can imagine his face as you read these lines.

I specialize in assisting ladies like you. As a relationship counselor, my ideal client is a woman who has a natural ability to love profoundly. 

A person who just needs a little push to get over the stumbling block in the way of the love pleasure she deserves.


Let's be honest, let's face it...

It's difficult to let go of someone with whom you've established a particular bond.

Especially when you know he has so much promise if he could only open his heart again! You two might have a lovely life together. It's worth battling for if that's something you want.

However, I have few questions for you...

  • Why not just settle with another guy if you're so excellent at loving people?
  • Why not lavish your affection on a man who appreciates you? Yet doesn't elicit any of your own feelings of affection?
  • What if it's the chubby man with bad social skills and bad breath? 
  • What if he values your affection more than anybody else you've ever met? 

 Should you and your partner elope? Obviously not. What's more, there's a reason for it.

He'll stop you from handing up your most valuable possession. This is true love. Deep love, Unconditional love, adoration, and desire. There is a shared desire.

That's the golden ticket you're looking for. That's why keeping your feelings for your ex hidden isn't a smart idea.

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A large number of my clients like to keep their cards close to their breasts, 

“If he goes first, I'll confess my actual feelings.” That irritates me to no end. Because that means I'll have to figure out a way for her to send an encrypted message saying, "I'll only become the woman you need if you first prove I'm the woman you desire."

Do you see why it isn't a good idea?

It's fine to play hard to get with some people, but not with your ex. There's something else you should know if you want to win back your guy's love.

Also Read: How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You: Extremely Powerful Tips

It's not enough to show you still care about him.

There are lots of other ladies who will demonstrate their admiration for him. They also don't have to break through the barriers he's erected because of your shared experience. 


They don't have to overcome his "been there, done that" mentality when it comes to exploring the possibilities with you. You must, in reality, conquer those challenges. The good news is that with the correct strategy, you can succeed.

You simply need to overcome the obstacles that are now separating you.

And I have a solution for you. It's known as the Relationship Rewrite Method and its effectiveness stems from a single truth... Emotions are in charge.

 He's human, no matter how obstinate he is or how "rational" his judgments are. As a result, his decision-making is mostly based on emotions.

Before he makes a decision, his emotions begin to guide his behavior. Because what he desires is determined by his feelings in the first place. 

Here's how to rekindle your relationship with your ex. It's pointless to try to persuade him to try again. Instead, concentrate on altering the way he feels.

Also Read: How To Make Your Ex Miss You

If you enjoy the concept but aren't sure where to begin, I recommend taking a shortcut. For many years, I've observed what works and what doesn't.

It may be the start of a new chapter in your relationship with your ex, waiting for you to flip the page. But wait, there's more. You haven't learned the one thing that indicates you're destined to be together yet? 


Actually, the solution is rather easy.

I've noticed something about folks, you see. Something to do with how the human mind functions. It goes against our natural impulses to expend energy. 

That's why it's so difficult to motivate oneself to get up and go for a jog. When you read the headline of this essay, though, something happened in your mind.

I didn't mention any specific men. Your ex, on the other hand, sprang to mind.

The one who backed up. The man who has built emotional barriers to keep you out. Despite all of the challenges you face, your emotions continue to pull you toward that man. 

That tells me something no personality test could possibly tell me. It informs me that your heart has already made up its mind.

Now, all we have to do is wait for fate to catch up with us.

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